Living Springs Church Kids and Youth
Sunday Morning
Childcare is available for children up through age 3 during the worship service, giving young parents the opportunity to focus fully on worship.
Children's Church
Children's Church meets on Sunday mornings during the 10 a.m. worship service. This time is dedicated to praising God through song, play, and learning. Children aged 4 through 3rd grade are dismissed for Children's Church just before the sermon.

Splash Youth Ministry is designed for students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. They meet every Sunday morning during the school year, coinciding with the worship service. This time is focused on helping students explore the Bible and grow in their faith.
Wednesday Evening
Living Springs Kids and Awana
LSC Kids/AWANA meets on Wednesday nights from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. during the school year. Designed for kids ages 3.5 (Pre-K) through 6th grade, this program helps students learn to know, love, and serve God.

Foundations - Middle School
Foundations is a two-year class for 7th and 8th graders that meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Students gain a deeper understanding of the Bible, explore what we believe, and discover why we believe it.
Youth Discipleship - High School
Youth Discipleship is for students in 9th through 12th grades, meeting Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the church. This time allows students to connect and grow through short sermons and small group discussions led by our ministry team leaders.