What to Expect
Sunday mornings at Living Springs are relaxed and welcoming. Come inside and be greeted and checked in with a name tag so we know who’s worshiping with us. Join us early to enjoy coffee and conversation before worship.
Worship starts at 10:00 am and is contemporary and casual. Children’s church takes place during the message and all kids age 4 years through 3rd Grade are welcome. During the school year, kids in grades 4-6 meet for Splash, a lesson tailored to tweens, during the message. Childcare is available throughout the service for infants through age 3.
A typical service runs about an hour and includes music, prayer and a scripture-filled message from our Pastor. Treats and a time to mingle follow the service. We'd love to get to know you, so stick around!
We're so glad you decided to spend your Sunday morning with us and we hope to see you again next week!